

John Wood offers a dedicated military and veterans’ specialist and admissions and advising team to help you.


2022年春季学期开始, students using Post-9/11 退伍军人法案®福利 will be required to verify their enrollment at the end of each month. Failure to verify for two consecutive months will interrupt the Monthly Housing Allowance (MHA) and/or kicker payments.  请浏览 注册验证网页 从美国退伍军人事务部获取更多信息.

A simple and convenient verification option is to sign up for the 退伍军人事务部(VA) text message verification. Students with a US mobile phone number on file with the VA will receive an opt-in text as their next enrollment period approaches. Students who 不 have a US mobile phone number on file with VA will not be able to use text verification and instead be automatically enrolled into email verification system.

Another option for students who 不 opt-in for text is to call the VA Education Call Center at 888-442-4551 to verify their enrollment status.


作为 先前学习的学分, JWCC will automatically award 4 hours of college elective credit for basic military training to enrolled students who provide copies of their DD214 to our registrar’s office. 我们也会根据你的联合服务成绩单奖励军事训练和经验, CLEP, 唐太斯, DSST, 以及ACE军事指南的建议. The American Council on Education’s (ACE) Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services has been the standard reference work for recognizing learning acquired in the military for more than half a century.

如果您希望JWCC对您的学习成绩进行SOC评估, 报名参加JWCC课程后,请完成以下步骤. 请 note that you must be an enrolled student at beat365平台 before the requested SOC evaluation will be completed.

  1. 联系 丽莎史诺德,退伍军人协调员.
  2. 确保有一份你的 联合服务成绩单 发送到JWCC
  3. 所有以前的学院或大学成绩单的正式副本是否直接寄给JWCC
  4. 提交所有CLEP、唐太斯和DSST分数



Certification for the US Department of Veterans’ Affairs programs is provided by the Enrollment Services Center.  The certifying official works with veterans to assist them with the paperwork necessary for federal veterans’ 好处 as well as the Illinois Veterans Grant and 伊利诺伊州国民警卫队补助金.  经批准为退伍军人教育合格单位, 预备役人员, 以及根据《体育》第38条规定的家属. 州IVG和ING申请可在招生服务中心获得.

beat365平台将给予服兵役学分, 现役和预备役, based on recommendations of the American Council on Education and the Community College of the Air Force, 当授予该学分符合学生当前的教育目标时. 获得这些课程的学分, 学生必须出示他们的dd214(从军队服役分离)的复印件。, CCAF成绩单或联合服务成绩单或注册主任认为可接受的其他证明.




比较年度估计费用. JWCC:学费5440美元,杂费300美元,助学金4784美元,奖学金1000美元. Z学院:学费36346美元,助学金4784美元,奖学金12000美元.

通知贷款不包括在上述等式中. 贷款只是帮助你偿还债务的一种工具,而不是减少你的学费或总成本.

*根据2023-24学年的学区学费,每学期32学时或16学时. 费用根据实验室、班级和项目而有所不同. 首次平均助学金和奖学金,全日制学生2021-2022学年. (学院Z数据基于地区四年制学校的实际数据)

学费和学杂费 (区内= $170/学分时,网上= $200/学分时,区外= $290/学分时).

Students who live outside of the JWCC district (out-of-district or out-of-state) and utilize Federal Post 9/11, 第三十章, 31章, 或退伍军人准备和就业(VR)&E) 好处 under the Veteran’s Education Assistance Act of 2008 will be charged in-district tuition in accordance with Illinois House Bill 2353.


如果你打算使用退伍军人教育福利, 使用四步流程来确定您的资格,并在适当的情况下申请这些福利.



在线联系退伍军人管理局办公室 美国GI法案®网站 (或拨打888免费电话.442.4551)看看你是否有资格获得退伍军人管理局的福利, 退伍军人法案®福利, 及/或充值计划,并索取任何所需表格. 请注意:表格也应在所有DVA办事处索取, 大多数现役军事基地, 以及美国在其他国家的大使馆.

步骤3:完成 & 发送你的VA申请

让你的 伤残保险福利申请* (22-1990). 如果你是现役军人,你的员工福利证书需要在第三页的底部签名.

透过 GI Bill®网站

OVA必须采取几个步骤才能将你的学生申请纳入他们的系统. 这个过程包括以下步骤,可能需要长达12周的时间:

  1. OVA人员收到来自JWCC的注册验证
  2. OVA联系DoD以确认您已向VA项目付款
  3. OVA人员确认“VA权利”已授予您
  4. OVA将您的学生信息输入到他们的系统中以完成申请流程




Students who have already submitted a VA application may send a “Certificate of Eligibility” in lieu of the application.

Students who have used VA 好处 at another school must submit a completed “Request for Change in Program or Place of Training” (22-1995) in lieu of the application.


注册课程后 每学期, visit the Veteran’s Coordinator located in the Enrollment Services Office and fill out a “blue sheet for veteran enrollment certification”. 然后,退伍军人协调员将把您的注册提交给OVA进行处理.

充值程序用户必须完成以下操作 每学期:

  • 获得22-1990(申请退伍军人福利)
  • 由他们的教育服务主任签署
  • 将其与完成并批准的军事学费援助(TA)表格一起发送到他们的VA办公室.

还有问题吗??  电子邮件 丽莎史诺德.

GI Bill®是美国军队的注册商标.S. 退伍军人事务部(VA). 有关退伍军人事务部提供的教育福利的更多信息,请访问美国官方网站.S. 政府网站: http://www.benefits.va.gov/gibill.

经批准为退伍军人教育合格单位, 第38条规定的预备役军人和家属, 由伊利诺斯州审批机构批准的美国法典项目. Anyone who thinks he or she may be eligible for 好处 may obtain information and application forms through the Registrar’s Office. 才有资格领取福利, 学生必须参加符合条件的课程, 定期上课,朝着自己的教育目标取得令人满意的进步. This means that a satisfactory GPA must be maintained and that the courses in which the student is enrolled will “reduce the number of credits needed to graduate or complete the program. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 GI法案®福利网站.

This award will pay the full in-district tuition for Illinois veterans attending JWCC part-time or full-time. Any veteran who entered the armed forces as an Illinois resident and who served at least 12 months are returned to the State of Illinois within six months of separation may qualify for the Illinois Veteran’s Grant. 出院文件的复印件, DD-214, 在申请该奖项时,必须提供居住证明. 有关资料及申请表格可向注册处索取,或填妥 伊利诺伊州退伍军人补助金申请.

此奖学金适用于参加JWCC的兼职或全日制学费.  Eligibility requires that the recipient must be a member of the Illinois National Guard for at least one year and must continue to be a member for the duration of the grant. 信息. 网上申请: 直接督导下.

对于大多数现役军人来说, 军事学费援助(TA)将覆盖JWCC 100%的学费. 每个服务部门也为助教设立了年度上限.  大多数JWCC学生可以期望TA每年支付4-6门课程的费用. 请向您的安装教育中心查询详细信息并申请学费援助.

Reserve component members are also eligible for TA under this policy; however, 每个服务组件都建立了特定的指导方针, 限制, 为其成员制定的政策可能与典型的现役政策不同.  在注册任何课程之前, reserve members should check with their local Education Services Officer (ESO) for specific information and full understanding of the 限制 of their TA coverage.   Reserve members are also encouraged to seek any employer tuition assistance programs that may lower their total out-of-pocket costs.


1. 确定你需要的文件.

如果这是你第一次设置TA, 或者如果你已经搬迁到一个新的基地, you may need some or all of the following documents in order to complete the TA process with your ESO. 请与您的ESO联系,以确定您需要哪些文件, 按照这些指示找到它们并打印出来:


2. 参观基地教育中心


3. 填写助教表格.

请 make sure to submit the proper number of forms:  Students taking more than one course can submit one TA form if all their courses have the same “start date”. Students taking more than one course where the course start dates are different must submit a separate TA form for each class.

陆军是DA 2171表格


美国海军陆战队:表格NETPDTC 1560/3(学费资助申请)





如果你需要这方面的帮助, 联系Brenda Manis, JWCC学生客户经理.




4. 在课程开始日期之前,将批准的表格(传真或邮件)发送到JWCC.


send the Application for 学费 Assistance; this is not the approved form


5. 一旦TA表格被传真过来,JWCC将在48小时内处理TA表格,并在必要时跟进.

如果您在传真后48小时内没有收到TA表格确认电子邮件, 请透过 给Brenda Manis发邮件.  请始终包括您的全名和您的社会安全号的最后四位数字,以便我们可以最好地帮助您.

A limited number of part-time positions are available on campus to students who are using VA programs. 该计划不隶属于校园或联邦工作研究. 向退伍军人协调员申请. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 GI法案®福利网站.



Students applying to John Wood must submit transcripts including all previous college course work and all military credit.  必须提供以前就读过的各院校的正式成绩单.

A delay in submission of all your transcripts could result in enrollment in unnecessary or incorrect courses.


索取一份你的 联合服务成绩单 (JST).

CCAF -空军

空军社区学院成绩单申请表位于 CCAF成绩单申请 ,或写:

CCAF /密不可分
Gunter附件AL 36114-3011

To have a transcript of all credits earned through beat365平台 sent from JWCC you can print out a 申请表 或要求成绩单通过您的太阳能帐户.  联系 帮助台 如果您需要帮助访问SOLAR.

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